Department of Music, piano pedagogy
East Texas A&M University
Musicianship Resource Page

In the piano pedagogy program at A&M-Commerce, we are passionate about the use of musicianship activities to enhance the teaching of new concepts and in the reinforcement of old ones. We believe that utilizing these activities seamlessly into piano lessons is the key to keeping students engaged and adding elements of creativity into all aspects of piano study.
In the early books of most modern methods, you will find musicianship activities incorporated into the learning process with suggestions already built into instruction. As the student progresses, the frequency of these activities reduce and often disappear. This leaves the task to the teacher to supplement instruction with activities that complement the repertoire being learned.
We have created a Musicianship Resource Page to provide teachers with fun, educational activities that correlate with the most common teaching pieces found in traditional classical piano instruction. Simply browse the page, look at the suggested activity pages, download, print, and enjoy! More pieces will be added each semester by the piano pedagogy majors at A&M-Commerce and myself.